
RT Tanner & Co Ltd

RT Tanner Purchase Orders

Hayle Mill

The information that follows is all obtained from the surviving records of Hayle Mills Archive.
Reproduced by kind permission and copyright © Simon Barcham Green 2008

He gave this explanation for retree (sheets of paper with minor faults)
"We used to abbreviate retree as xx and outsides as xxx. I have occasionally wondered why retree was not x. It appears that at that time retree (which must have been pretty close to good) was x, double retree then was xx and outsides xxx - total four grades including good.
Post 1975 I simplified this to Standard and outsides xxx.

9th July
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
6 Reams Laid F.Cap Hunt & Tanner 18/- £5. 8. 0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

15th August
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
4 Rms FCap @ 18/- £3.12.0
2 Rms 36 Lined @ 18/- £1.16.0
£5. 8.0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

21st August
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
4 Rms 36 lined @ 18/- £3.12.0
4 Rms 36 lined xx @ 16/- £3.4.0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

5th October
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
18 Rms 36 lined 12 @18/- £16.4.0
1 Ream 36 lined xx @ 16/- £0.16.0 total £7.4.0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

6th December
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
6 rms 36 lined FCap @ 18/- £5.8.0
1 Rm 36 lined fCap xx £0.16.0 Total £6.4.0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

4th January
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
4 Reams Laid F.Cap Hunt & Tanner 18/- £2. 14. 0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

25th January
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
1 Ream 36 lined F.Cap Hunt & Tanner 16/- £0. 16. 0
2 reams 42 laid fcap @ 18/- £1.16.0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6

8th May
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book for H. Allnutt & Son
4 Reams 36 Laid F.Cap Hunt & Tanner 18/- £3.12.0
HMA Sold Book 4/9/6


17th January
Letter from J Barcham Green to Hunt & Tanner
Mess. Hunt & Tanner
Dear Sirs
It happens that I cannot sort the Twill for a few days being hard up for sorted rags so that I cannot spare any one to do it - I think therefore you had better sell this lot and give me the offer of the next. I should not use them yet if I did buy them.
Yours truly
J Barcham Green
HMA Letter Book 7/1/4

1st February
Letter from J Barcham Green Hayle Mill Maidstone to Hunt & Tanner
Dear Sir
The New Pieces which your Mr Hunt promised should be sent out this week have not come to hand. Your immediate attention will oblige
Yours truly
Barcham Green
HMA Feb 1862 7/2/86

1862 3 Feb order

3rd February
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
We will forward you the new cuttings tomorrow, Tuesday, without fail and trust you will not be inconvenienced by the delay.
Yours truly,
Hunt & Tanner.
HMA February 1862 7/1/4

1862 12 Feb order

12th February
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
The five hundred weight duck cuttings are as near like the enclosed as possible. We could send you them at 44/- net Messrs Day and Lonley they will not charge less than 45/- for them to a maker. If you are passing Seacoal Lane perhaps you would like to see them in bulk.
Yours truly
Hunt & Tanner.
HMA February 1862 7/1/4

3rd July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green Hayle Mill Maidstone
Dear Sir
We will forward you the new cuttings tomorrow (Tuesday) without fail and trust you will not be inconvenienced by the delay.
Yours truly
Hunt & Tanner
HMA July 1863 7/2/116

1863 May order

12th May
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Dear Sir
As Trade is so bad with us we must try to get every penny we can for our Rags we must therefore charge the 48/- for the Duck Cuttings - shall we forward them
Yours truly
H & T
HMA July 1863 7/2/116

1863 21 July order

21st July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Dear Sir
Can you supply us with any flat paper like the small pattern enclosed (which please return) for envelopes if so please say when you could send it the size weight & price.
Yours truly
H & T
HMA July 1863 7/2/116

1863 23 July order

23rd July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
The sample was a very small one & was put in the envelope we hope you will be able to find it.
HMA July 1863 7/2/116

1863 28 July order

28th July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Please say by return when we may expect that small order for Export sent you a short time since
HMA July 1863 7/2/116

29th July
Letter from J B Green to Messrs Hunt & Tanner
Dear Sir
The cream w [wove] medm 18 and 28lb is not to send over now but I suppose that all must go together. The blue medium and the … will be sized sometime tomorrow and the remainder on Monday so that I suppose about Wednesday We should have been able to complete the order of all had been our sort there would have been no difficulty but […] as makers put delay
HMA July 1863 7/2/116

1863 Aug 3 order

3rd August
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Dear Sir
Enclosed is a sample of the Bank Paper we require please let us know your prices for Large & Medm Post also when you could let us have same
Yours truly
H & T
HMA Aug 1863 7/2/115

1863 Aug 5 order

5th August
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Dear Sir
Please send us a sample of the slips you have with quantity & lowest price also your prices for Large & Medm Bank Quarto & when you could deliver a little of each
Yours truly
H & T
HMA Aug 1863 7/2/118

12th September
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Dear Sir
We are sorry to be so troublesome but as our Customer is rather impatient will you be kind enough to let us know when you will send off all the small order you have on hand for us
Yours truly
Hunt & Tanner
HMA Aug 1863 7/2/115

Entry from Hayle Mill Order Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
June 24 £16.16.0
July 8 £2.7.2.
July 19 £23.12.0
Oct 20 £5.5.2
Total £31.4.4
1864 16 March order

16th March
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
Are we likely to get the B[blue] Laid copy soon that you have on order for us
Yours truly
H & T
March 1864 7/2/127

1864 1 April order

1st April
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
We want for an export order
18 Rms CLaid Post ins (insides) 14lb
15 Rms CLaid 17
17 rms 20
50 rms Claid fcap with os (outsides) 15 30 flat
50 rms blaid fcap with os (outsides) 15 30 flat
Please say by return if you could undertake it, the prices & when you could deliver it certain
Yours truly H & T
PS Do you want a few good Duck Cuttings
HMA April 1864 7/2/128

1864 20 June order

20th June
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
Please say by return if you could send us off any BLaid Imp [blue laid imperial] (whole) by Friday next if any state quantity
Yours truly H & T
HMA June 1864 7/2/131

4th August
Letter from Soho Mill Woburn Beaconsfield Bucks
Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
Yours truly
Thomas Stephen Green
HMA Sept 1864 7/2/134 Bundle A

1864 14 Sept order

14th September
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
Our Customer cannot wait so long as a fortnight for the copy so please cancel the order as we have no other use for it
Yours truly for H & T
W Chalfont
HMA September 1864 7/2/134

1864 Sept 14 order

14th September
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
We have only 1 bag new cuttings at 1. 2. 25 no brown cottons or anything like them
Yours truly
Hunt & Tanner
HMA Sept 1864 7/2/134 Bundle A

1864 Oct 27 order

27th October
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
We have a few prime new cuttings as last which we will forward to you on Saturday next unless we hear from you to the contrary by return.
Yours truly
H & T
HMA Oct 1864 7/2/135


Entry from Hayle Mill Cash Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
July 21 £11. 2.10
Aug 18 £9.4.0
Sept 1 £36.19.7
Sept 8 £1.1.7
Oct 2 £22.5.7
Total £80.13.7

16th February
Letter to J B Green from Soho Mill
Dear Sir
I don’t know there is much more tell about Pattison’s acct but that he is giving up business on his own account and going to Hunt & Tanner. Hodge says he owes about 1000 £ & has his stock and fixtures to pay it with but he expects he (Hodge) will have to meet the next bill in March has[sic] Hodge has sold part of on our acct to Grosvenor Chater & Co I shall make arrangement for it to pass through our acct. This morning Hodge write not to get more in with Miller but try and do cash – but the fact is I shall just put him off if he send for anything until I hear more about it we have bill already with what Mr Hepher has not [..] presented to £584. what Hodge mean I don’t know he writes so queer but I will try and find out and write to you again and will go on with Hodgkinson until you hear from me I will write this evening. We had a crowd here last night about 450 in the [..] and all is going about as usual. Just this short note Hastings I shall write tomorrow Hayle Mill unless I hear from you.
Trusting to hear you are improving
I remain in haste
William Thomas
1865 26 July order 1865 26 July order

26th July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner, 215 Upper Thomas St, to J.B.Green
My dear sir
In getting my friend to use the paper I did as I have done before under similar circumstances – under your advice – let him have it at the same price as the 32lb would cost him. I see by yr invoice that you have charged the extra lb – will you kindly make an altered invoice & if you cannot quite adopt the 32 lb as the standard please make what allowance you may deem us entitled to – what I acted upon was yr former mode and as the error occurred again on yr side I thought was right in getting it sent out without delay – I see yr communication of this day that I am in time to countermand the 47 lb weight cream and you can make the 40 lb to the quality of the stuff but I do want the paper a/c & shall esteem it a great favor by as early an attention as possible.
I remain
Yours faithfully
For Hunt & Tanner
Sep Pattison
HMA July 1865 7/2/144

1865 26 July order

26th July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
We have lying here about ¾ ton very prime strong new cuttings, are you a buyer of them if so will you call & see them
Your truly H & T
HMA July 1865 7/2/144

1865 28 July order

28th July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner 215 Upper Thames St, to J.B.Green
Dear Sir
Your explanation is perfectly satisfactory and we feel obliged by yr kind intention to let us have the cream 40lbs also please let us have the fresh lot of ….. at yr earliest opportunity
We remain
Yours faithfully
For Hunt & Tanner
N Pattison
J B Green Esq
HMA July 1865 7/2/144

1865 Sept 19 order

19th September
Letter from 215 Upper Thames St, to J.B.Green
My dear Sir
What a capital fellow you are in promises & person - but dont you fall somewhat short in actual turning out of the paper - of course I admit there has been but little over yet - but I am so anxious that W & W shall not be again calling out that I must be pardoned prompting you up to work - work & nothing but my work
Yours faithfully
Sept Pattison
HMA September 1865 7/2/146

28th September
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
Please to send the 6 Reams toned paper on order, as soon as possible
Ys H & T
HMA Sept 1865 7/2/146

1865 Oct order

24th October
Memo from Hayle Mill Maidstone to Messrs Hunt & Tanner Upper Thames St
Mr Green is away for a few days immediately he returns yr letter shall be placed before him and an answer sent. There is a probability of your having some of ... f Cap next week
HMA Oct 1865 7/2/147

1865 Nov 20 order

20th November
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Dear Sir
We now enclose our cheque to settle a/c which we hope you will receive safely. We regret the delay & trouble you have had about the same.
Yours truly
H & T
HMA Nov 1865 7/2/148

20th November
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
Can you tell us why we never get a Rm Laid or 36 Line f cap now have we given any offence
HMA Nov 1865 7/2/148

1865 Nov 22 order

22nd November
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
The enclosed is the only Medm we had from you. About the 21lb Medm as we were in a hurry for it we were obliged to get some from T H Saunders if you send your present making to us we will dispose of it if possible if we cannot do so we must be at liberty to return it
Can you send us say 10 reams each 36 laid fcap of your own make
Yours truly
H & T
HMA Nov 1865 7/2/148

1865 Nov 28 order

28th November
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
The 21 lb Quarto Medm ordered 12th Oct last was stated flat you have sent it folded we fear this will render it quite useless to our Customer
H & T
HMA Nov 1865 7/2/148

1865 Dec 27 order

27th December
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Dear Sir
We do not see any chance of our doing anything with the C/to Medm 21lb shall we return it to you, send it to any other House, or keep it here a little longer.
Stet’ Fcaps when are we to have any
H & T
HMA Dec 1865 7/2/149


Hunt & Tanner are listed giving a donation with others of £31.10.0d to support Thomas Sweetapple who had gone bankrupt - there is no date on the paper asking for donations but it states he was 74 and in the 1851 census he appears as a paper manufacturer aged 59 employing 35 men
A letter dated 25 August 1862 written by Alf Smith of 237 Gresham Street E.C. to John Barcham Green at Hayle Mill in which he says “I enclose you as promised a sample of the paper made by Mr Sweetapple from Mr Houghton’s stuff – all flax. It has no strength – the fibre seems to be killed in the boiling process – it won’t do at all. What do you think of it? It confirms the opinion you gave me of the plan – you were quite right not to adopt his process.
1866 March 23 order

23rd March
Memo Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Do you happen to have a little OS Laid Imperial you could send us & at what price
HMA March 1866 7/2/152

24th November
Hayle Mill Order Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
Nov 24 £11.11. 4


29th May
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
OS [our sample] BLaid Fcap to Imperial
Dear Sir
Please say by return if you have any of the above to offer & lowest price
HMA May 1867 7/2/170

17th December
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book Hunt & Tanner
3 reams F/cap 18/- p.ream £5. 8. 0
Sold Book p.170 1866-1872 4/9/7

Hayle Mill Cash Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
Dec 17 £5. 8. 0

Hayle Mill Cash Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
May 12 £5. 8. 0


Hayle Mill Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
Feb 2 £10.16.0
May 25 £6.4.0
June 11 £6.16.0
June 18 £12. 8. 0
July 27 £10.16.0
Oct 29 £22.12.0
Dec 17 £4.16.0
1869 29 January order

29th January
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Wanted immediately all or part invoice dated 1 Feby
6 rms 36 lined f/cap green &
3 rms 42 lined fcap green &
3 rms b/laid fcap green &
HMA Jan 1869 7/2/197

2nd February
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book
Hunt & Tanner (order of 29 January)
6 reams 36 lined 18/- p.r. £5. 8.0
3 reams 42 Lined 18/- p.r. £2.14.0
3 reams Laid 18/- p.r. £2.14.0
Total £10.16.0
HMA Sold Book p272 1866-1872 4/9/7

1869 May order

20th May
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
10 Rms 36 laid fcap
10 rms xxx “ “ or what you can
H & T
HMA May 1869 7/2/202

25th May
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book
Hunt & Tanner
6 reams 36 Lined 18/- £5. 8.0
1 ream 36 Lined 16/- 16.0
Total £6.4.0.
HMA Sold Book 1866-1872 4/9/7

1869 June order

4th June
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Have you any BLaid Impl OS to offer if so please state quantity & lowest price
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

1869 June order

4th June
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
12 reams xx BLaid fCa 16lb
H & T
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

1869 June order

7th June
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
The 12 Rms xx BLaid Fcap we wrote for was the lot you offered us on the 25th inst so suppose you have sold them. We will let you know about the low colour in 3 or 4 days
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

1869 June order

8th June
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
The low colour fcap will not do let us have 6 rms or more of the usual xx 16 lb BLaid FCap as soon as possible
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

1869 June order

8th June
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
Please do not fail to send us the first few Rms xx (say 6) BLaid FCap you can & oblige
H & T
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

1869 June order

9th June
Letter from Hunt & Tanner 215 Upper Thames Street, London EC to Mr J B Green Hayle Mill Maidstone
Dear Sir
You may send on the 3 cwt O.S. laid Imp 5/0 as mentioned in yours of the 5th of June – provided it is flat
Yours truly for H & T
W H Chalfont
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

11th June
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book
Hunt & Tanner
294 sheets Imperial broke 5½ £6.14.9
14 strawboards £0.1.3
Total £6.16.0
HMA Sold Book 1866-1872 4/9/7

15th June
Letter from J Barcham Green to Messrs Hunt & Tanner
Dear Sir
I have no f’cap 16lb xx but I have 25 Rm low color good not xx. If this will do as xx I will send 12 Rm or if you will take the lot you shall have it @ 15/- it is flat but can be folded if desired. I have about 2 to 3 cut imperial outs and 5 cut laid re [retree] which I shall be happy to send you at 5½%
Yours truly
J Barcham Green
(xx indicates that the paper was retree which meant it was substandard and usually sold at 10% less than the usual sales price.)
HMA letter book 7/1/7 : 17/3/1867-8/3/1870 p.709

1869 June order

17th June
Memo Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
6 to 10 rms BLaid F Cap 16lb
H & T
HMA June 1869 7/2/203

1869 July order

15th July
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
2 rms xx 42 lined fcap if you can if not send the good
H & T
HMA July 1869 7/2/204

27th July
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book
Hunt & Tanner
4 reams Foolscap 18/- £3.12.0
9 reams Foolscap xx 16/- £7. 4.0
Total £10.16.0
HMA Sold Book 1866-1872 4/9/7

29th October
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book
Hunt & Tanner
3 rms Imperial xx 72/- £10.16.0
3 rms 5/20 Imperial xx £11.14.0
Millboards (from Medway Mill) Total £22.12.0
HMA Sold Book 1866-1872 4/9/7

8th November
List of Pollitser Debtors
Hunt & Tanner £2.8.9
HMA June 1870 7/2/214

1869 dec order

16th December
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to Mr J B Green
3 to 6 Rms xx 36 Lined F/Cap if you cannot send it in a day or two please return order by next post
H & T
HMA Jan 1869 7/2/204

17th December
Entry in Hayle Mill Sold Book
Hunt & Tanner
6 reams 36 lined f/cap xx 16/- £4.16.0
HMA Sold Book 1866-1872 4/9/7


Hayle Mill Order Ledger for Hunt & Tanner
April 30 £18.12.0
Sept 6 £7.2 0
1870 Aug order

25th August
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Please to send 6 Rms 3 lb lined FCap - at once
YS H & T
HMA August 1870 7/2/216

8th November
Extract from a letter from Soho Mill to J B Green of Hayle Mill
“These are debts he shows me as owing to him in fact they was got out by Lea his solicitor for me to have them he make oath not & his stock 150 he says was away for rent & surely selling the debts for 70 £ transaction and ought not be left alone
[scanned] [This was a list regarding people who owed money to Polliser, in which Hunt & Tanner appear proving that they were purchasing stock from this source].
HMA Nov 1870 7/2/219

1871 Feb order 15th February
Memo from Hunt & Tanner to J B Green
Please forward
5 Rms 16 BLaid fcap
5 Rms 16 42 lined fcap
Hunt & Tanner
p MM
HMA Feb 1871 7/2/222


28th October
Extract from a letter from Soho Mill to J B Green (page 2) Hunt & Tanner has sent us 2 ½ [....] Pennington has had a break down wrote and asked me to make news for him at same price he is getting viz 3 x 5% off of course I declined. I have not heard anymore from Grenfell when I do I shall wire you if not time to write and if you can come here to meet him I shall be very pleased
Remaining yours truly
William Thomas
HMA Oct 1870 7/2/219

6th November
Memo from Hunt & Tanner 215 Upper Thames Street, London EC to Hayle Mill
Please to send at once 6 Rms 34 lined f cap & oblige
H & T
HMA Nov 1872 7/2/227


1st February
Postcard from Hunt & Tanner 215 Upper Thames Street to J B Green at Hayle Mill, Loose, Maidstone
Order 3 January lined fcap and 3 reams of 42 above. If you cannot do it please drop a line
HMA Feb 1873 7/2/227

10th February
Post card from Hunt & Tanner to Hayle Mill
Send ream 42 lined.
HMA Feb 1873 7/2/227

25th March
Post card from Hunt & Tanner to Hayle Mill
We are in receipt of your note we have now an order 6 Rms 42 lined fcap at old price which we shall be glad to receive. Also the remainder of 56 lined at your convenience.
HMA March 1873 7/2/227

14th June
Letter from Hayle Mill to Messrs Hunt & Tanner
I do not make C.W.Medm 15lb and I could not undertake so small a quantity as 5 Rms but if you could make 14 lb do I could send 5 reams a week or so – I enclose a sheet it has no name in it, but I suppose that wd be of no consequence 29/6 per Rm
HMA 7/1/11 letter book 1876-1879 p535


12th October
Letter from Hayle Mill Maidstone to Messrs Hunt & Tanner
Dear Sirs
The paper you require is not Medm by an outsize 22½x18¼ and the moulds belong to R Harrington and as far as I am concerned if RH & Co sold them to their customers they can of course demand to have them and I will then quote price and if my offer is accepted and I get authority I can use the moulds. If your customer find the moulds are Roberts and they do not like to apply to them I will if you like make them an offer for them say 30/-. They are of no use for any other purpose and are valued in my book for insurance at £5. If [..]Medm 22½x17 ½ would do from ordinary mould I can match quality of sample made up.
Yours truly
J Barcham Green
HMA 7/1/11 letter book 1876-1879

14th October
Letter from Hayle Mill to Messrs Hunt & Tanner
Dear Sirs,
I made up the cream laid 18¼x22 ½ 36 Rm 5 lbs 4.5lbs @ 45/- invoiced Jany 10th 1862 to R Harrington to whom the moulds belong not to Mr Pattison. You are wanting only 6 reams now and I cannot supply them under 54/- per Rm – there has been an advance of 6/- since then in the price of medium which is the nearest size to it and I put the extra expence of making 6 Rms only @ 3/- per Rm. I cannot however make it at all without being authorized by Mr Harrington as I always look to whoever pays me for moulds as the owner.
Yours truly
J Barcham Green
PS I think I will write to Mr Pattison so please do not until I write to him.
[Pattison would appear to have left RTT by this date]
HMA 7/1/11 letter book 1876-1879 p287


14th October
Order from Hunt & Tanner to Allnutt
Dear Sir
The sample of Gold Yellow enclosed in your favour of the 12th is not our make we think we enclosing you piece of the nearest we have made – we shall be happy to match your sample & match you not less thanbr 4¾ cwt @
3½ cwt @ rolling 1/- per rm extra
2¼ cwt @
Yours truly
H. Allnutt
Allnutt Order Book p.622 held at Hayle Mill Archive

2nd December
Order from Hunt & Tanner to Allnutt
We beg to enclose you 2 sheets of our 38lbs white blotting price 20/7 per ream this weight we keep in stock & we shall be happy to supply you with any quantity your require – we can supply you with 36lbs if you can take about 10-11 reams at a time.
Allnutt Order Book p.752 held at Hayle Mill Archive


19th July
R T Tanner, 8 Dorset Buildings Salisbury Sq (from Hunt & Tanner/& good) appear on a hand written list of companies that Hayle Mill dealt with in London


13th December
Letter from Hayle Mill to Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sirs,
We enclose sheet of Medm Loan (we make no xx to loan papers) our price for good is 41/- per Rm 480 rms and outsides 1/- per #. We cannot supply you with loan or similar papers on any but our regular terms namely 5% list for cash monthly a/c.
Yours truly
Barcham Green & Son
HMA 7/1/14 letter book 1886-1889

Orders From R T Tanner to Hayle Mill
7th Jan 4 Rm Medium, 2 Rm Demy delivered Jan 15th
11th Feb 6 rm Demy delivered Feb 11
20th Feb 2 Rm Demy delivered Feb 26th
2nd March 10 Rm Foolscap, 4 Rm Medium delivered March 13th
6th March 2 Rm Demy, 1 Rm Royal delivered March 13th
2nd April 6 Rm Foolscap 16lbs delivered April 23rd
26th April 5 Rm Demy delivered April 26th
27th May 5 Rm Foolscap 16lbs delivered May 27th
5th June 5 Rm Medium delivered June 6th
2nd July 3 Rm Royal delivered July 2nd
6th July 5 Rm Demy, delivered July 12th
10th July 5 Rm Foolscap 16lbs delivered July 12th
30th July 1 Rm Super Royal, 5 Rm Demy delivered Aug 1st
30th Aug 5 Rm Foolscap 16lbs delivered Sept 27th
12th Oct 4 Rm Foolscap 18lbs delivered Oct 15th
30th Oct 5 Rm Foolscap 16lbs delivered Oct 30th
14th Nov 5 Rm Foolscap 16lbs delivered Nov 14th
14th Nov 2 Rm Royal delivered Nov 14th
HMA 7/1/14 letter book 1886-1889

13th November
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
Dear Sirs
We beg to inform you that after the end of this month we cannot allow you the extra 2½ discount as we have hitherto done: of course any orders you may have for our papers at the present time, sold subject to those terms, we will allow the same discount on: but after December 1st it must discontinue; the discount being in future 5% as other customers.
Yours truly
Barcham Green & Son
HMA letter book 1886-1889

4th December
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
Dear Sirs
We cannot execute your order of the 25th ult. except at our regular terms. We gave you due notice of the termination of the other arrangement.
Yours truly
J Barcham Green & Son
HMA letter book 1986-1889

Orders From R T Tanner to Hayle Mill
Jan 11 4 Rm Royal delivered Jan 11th
Jan 11 3 Rm Royal delivered Jan 11th
Feb 13 1 Rm Royal delivered Feb 13th
HMA letter book

17th September
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
In reply to your enquiry re Bill Forms we have a small quantity about 1500 10 ½ x 4¼ with 3 rough edges – being old stock. We should be happy to sell them at 12/- per M or we have about 1 M 12x¾x44 4 rough edges sheets also enclosed price 12/- per ream of 500 = 24/- per M. We should not care to make unless a considerable quantity were wanted.
HMA Letter Book Dec 16 1889 - Aprl5 1892


29th October
Order from Batchelor & Sons to R T Tanner
3 rms 24x33 119lbs 480’s
6 rms 22x34 96lbs
2 rms 19½x31 65lbs
10 rms 16¾x27 66lbs
Please put in hand & deliver at earliest possible moment to Pluckley Station S.E. England. Best White Sizing wrappers of the same quality as supplied in February 1888 – please don’t exceed the quantities […] quantities & let us have them at once urgent
Yours truly
J Batchelor & Sons
Batchelor & Sons, Ford Mill, Little Chart, order book p544 held at Hayle Mill Archive


18th December
Order from Batchelor & Sons to R T Tanner
Dear Sir
We are much in want of the wrappers ordered the 29th October – please to forward to Pluckley Station S.E. England & oblige.
Yours truly
J Batchelor
Batchelor & Sons, Ford Mill, Little Chart, order book p544 held at Hayle Mill Archive


26th January
Order from R T Tanner to Hayle Mill
1 Rm D/Foolscap delivered Jan 26th
HMA 1892 Order Book

28th January
Order from Batchelor & Sons to R T Tanner
Dear Sir
We are most urgently in want of the white lying wrappers ordered 29th October last and if you cannot let us have these at once we shall be compelled to cancel order & order elsewhere as we are quite out – please give this immediate attention & let us hear & oblige.
Yours [….]
Batchelor & Son
Batchelor & Sons, Ford Mill, Little Chart, order book p741 held at Hayle Mill Archive


Orders From R T Tanner to Hayle Mill
2nd March 5 Rm Royal delivered March 2nd
28th June 1 Rm Medium delivered June 28th
26th July 2 Rm Medium delivered July 26th
16th Sept 1 Rm Demy delivered Sept 18th
16th Sept 1 Rm Foolscap 18lbs delivered Sept 18th
5th Oct 2 Rm Demy delivered Oct 5th
HMA 1893 Letter Book


13th March
Letter to Mes R.T.Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
We much regret we are quite out of Royal xx We have received any inquiry about this from you before receiving yours dated 12th inst.
We could do you 12 R S Royal xx @ 50/- per rm
HMA 1895 Letter Book


13th March
Letter to Mes.R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
We much regret we are quite out of Royal & &. We have not received any enquiry about this from you before receiving yours dated 12th inst.
We could do you 12 R S Royal &c @ 50/- pr ream
HMA 1896 Letter Book


27th March
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
Order No: 1371
Referring to the above order for 1 Rm 18 or 20 lb c Lge Post, our weight for this is 20lb at 29/- mill reams or 3l/- inside sheets enclosed herewith, we have none 18 or 20 c.laid.
Yours truly
J B Green & Son AA
HMA 7/1/26 letter book:8/10/1900-25/6/1901

4th April
Letter to Messrs. R T Tanner Co from Hayle Mill
Replying to yours of 3rd we can offer the following jobs etc of Banks Loans etc:
10 Rms outsides Large Royal Loan 28lb @ 10d per lb as sheet enclosed
30 Rm outsides Double Fcap Loan 20 lb @ 9d per lb
2 Rms outsides CU large Bank 11lb}
5 Rms outsides CU Fcap Bank 7lb } @10d per lb
3 Rms outsides BW Fcap Bank 7lb }
9 Rms outsides Cream Wove Mpost 18lb @ 8d per lb
10 Rms outsides Cream Wove fcap Banks 7bls @ 10/- per rem
HMA 7/1/26 Letter Book: April 4th 01

15th September
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
Dear Sirs
Replying to yours of the 26th ult re export to South America.
We beg to send you as requested 2 sets of samples 1 of 1 sheet each of the other of 5 sheets each of various of our a/c books and other papers. Also 2 copies of our price lists. We allow discount of 5% on monthly payments and we pay carriage to Docks in London or Liverpool. We charge extra for cases, which for South America should be zinc lined*. The charge is from 12/6 for cases of 2 to 3 c up to about 17/6 for 5 c cases we do not pack in larger cases than 5 c. The set of samples is not of course a complete one – it would make too large a package, but if there should be a demand out there for sorts of which we have not sent samples, we shall be happy to send out supplementary sets. We have marked against one of the price lists the sorts of which samples we sent.
We remain gentlemen
Yours faithfully
J Barcham Green & Son
[*The cases had to be zinc lined as the boats could not dock in the harbour and the cases were off loaded into the water where they dropped anchor and then towed in by small tenders/boats.]
HMA letter book 7/1/27: 24/6/1901-26/2/1902 p.148

Letter Book HMA 7/1/30 No reference to R T Tanner & Co.


19th July
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
Referring to the enclosed order we beg to point out that our arrangement is not to send less than 5 reams of either sort of Roman Note at a time, we must therefore refer you to Messrs Grosvenor Chater & Co who buy large quantities and stock it.
Yours truly,
J B Green & Son
HMA letter book 7/1/31: 1903-1904 p696


13th March
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
We much regret we are quite out of Royal xx. We have not received any enquiry about this from you before receiving yours dated 12instant . We could do you 12 R S Royal xx @ 50/-pr ream
HMA letter book

9th November
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner Co, Salisbury Square, Fleet St E.C.
Replying to yours of the 8th we do not stock any coloured papers but could make you about 10 Rms Primrose Loan Medm 20# at our list price 41/- per Rm and outsides @ 10% we could not guarantee an exact match in color nor exact quantity. The outsides would be anything from 10 to 20%
Herbert Green
HMA letter book 7/1/33: 15/8/1906-18/4/1907 p.337


3rd January
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co, Salisbury Sq E.C
Dear Sirs
Replying to yours of the 2nd. Rough Edged hand made card & mount papers – we beg to enclose a selection of samples of these goods – a complete set would be somewhat too bulky – with lists of size particulars for ordering. All the cream buff and pale buff are the same price per Rm namely 10/-. All the dark colour mounts are the same price except that an allowance of 1d per # is made on orders of 1? in one delivery which allowance does not extend to the cream and pale shades. You will observe that the pale and dark colors are two distinct series stocked in different sizes. All these are priced out to the usual 5%.
Yours faithfully
Herbert Green
HMA letter book 7/1/33: 15/8/1906-18/4/1907 p.535

7th August
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co, Salisbury Sq, Fleet St E.C.from Hayle Mill
Replying to yours of 16th we beg to enclose sample and price list of Rough Edge note paper. Further samples are at your service. We keep a large stock of these papers and boards
HMA letter book 7/1/34: 1907 p.474

26th August
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
We enclose the samples of cards you asked for our price for these is 10s per # and you will see about how much per M they will come to you by our list enclosed.
Yours faithfully
J B Green & Son
HMA letter book 7/1/34: 1907 p.504

19th December
Letter to Messrs R T Tanner & Co from Hayle Mill
Dear Sirs
Referring to the enclosed order, if you will kindly look at our card of instructions you will see that the minimum quantity of cards we supply is 4lb and we regret we cannot break this rule or we should be inundated with small orders: of course the order can be made up to 4 lb with any other size, the same as on the 17th. We are sorry but you see 125 will only weigh 1lb.
Yours truly
J B Green & Son
HMA letter book 7/1/34: 1907


11th July
No 32 Envelopes transparencies
customer returns them
R T Tanner Co
We offered to have them back & to have 1000 made specially out of thicker paper.
Pointed out that we supplied about 250,000 of this size in 1924 without complaint.
Hayle Mill Complaints Book 1923-1933

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